807 Chestnut StreetCovington, OH 45318
(937) 473-2249
Echo Hills Golf Course
2100 Echo Lake Dr.
Piqua, OH 45356
Football, Volleyball Wrestling, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Track
807 Chestnut Street, Covington, OH 45318
From US 36: Come into Covington, turn on Debra Street.
From St. Rt. 41: After coming into Covington, turn on Wenrick Street. Turn right on Chestnut Street.
Football and Track: There will be parking available in the stadium parking lot off of Chestnut Street, along the side streets, or in the high school parking lot.
Baseball: The field is located in the back of the high school parking lot.
Softball: The field is located along Chestnut Street. There will be parking available in the high school parking lot and along the side streets.
High School Basketball and Volleyball, and Wrestling, will be played in the K8 Gym. Everyone should enter through Door #1.
Junior High: Basketball and Volleyball will be played in the High School Gym. Everyone should enter through Door #29.
Cross Country
Covington Fraternal of Eagles Picnic Grounds
4583 N. Rangeline Rd.
Covington, OH 45318